In the first days of June two more catamaran workboats for Norwegian aquaculture market have been delivered from Croatian shipyards through mediation of company Cronomar from Šibenik to Norwegian client Moen Marin AS . By mid-June the first vessel for the Canadian aquaculture market will be delivered and that represents a significant step forward from Croatian producers towards the new market with large potential. Canadian aquaculture sector delivers 200.565 tons of fish I value of 1.37 billion USD per year. The most significant species for farming is Atlantic salmon.
The project which continuously supports production of workboats for export has started in 2010 and it has been continued with great expectation in 2018 as well. At the moment 4 Croatian partners are producing workboats for international aquaculture sector: NCP from Šibenik, TEHNOMONT from Pula, OŠTRO from Kaštela and INTELLIGENT MARINE SOLUTIONS from Murter.
The specific significance of this project lies in the fact that by distribution of vessels produced in Croatia a continuous promotion of Croatian small- shipbuilding sector on the markets all around the world has been enabled. Everything started already in 2009 during negotiations between potential clients from Norway and few Croatian shipyards which were held through establishment of Croatian-Norwegian cooperation within maritime sector based on the founding of iNavis Center in Šibenik and the start of work of the Šibenik-Norwegian company CroNoMar. Optimistic idea about building 15 catamarans for foreign market in the period of 5 years seemed at the time as a realistic goal which provides hope in the survival of small-shipbuilding sector in Croatia.
From the basic idea up to today the development of business cooperation based on the production of aluminum catamarans which are used as workboats in the Norwegian aquaculture sector has been developing faster than expected so the planed deliveries for the vessels produced in Croatia have been tripled compared to the initial plan.
Per today an impressive result has been achieved in more than 90 workboats delivered for the international aquaculture market. Also, it is important to emphasize that small-shipbuilding companies like OŠTRO from Kaštela which joined this project 2 years ago have successfully and fast found their place in this business model and have so far delivered 6 monohull vessels also for the Norwegian client. Their vessels are used in everyday business of the fish farms, primarily in Norway.
These vessels are produced according to strict international shipbuilding quality standards. It is the quality and competitiveness of products as well as professionalism of Croatian shipbuilders that is the base for further cooperation with foreign clients. Results are more than visible since new contracts have been signed for the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019.
Statement Canada: Grieg Seafood BC Ltd, Dean Trethewey, Seawater Production Director
“ Our business is farming salmon and we have been operating in British Columbia since 2001. Our operations are located on the east and west coast of Vancouver Island as well as along the Sunshine Coast. As our operations have grown, so has our need for larger more reliable work vessels. We set out to find the right partner and design with Moen Marine and were very happy with the vessel recently built in Croatia. We recently had the opportunity to trial the vessel in beautiful Croatia and found that it exceeded our expectations in regards to the quality workmanship and customer support. We look forward to putting her to some rigorous work and test her ability on the Pacific Ocean. I think this sets the stage for many future years of engagement and opportunities to continued success.”
Statement CroNomar, Ana Zajc:
“Now, after the planned 9-year period is behind us, by the end of the year we expect also a delivery of the 100th catamaran produced at Šibenik shipyard NCP. Also, by the end of the year we are expecting delivery of 5 vessels from company OŠTRO, 2 of which are completely new models – prototypes, never before produced in the world.”
Statement OŠTRO, Ivica Brajnov:
“The very quality of the first 4 delivered vessels has led to the negotiations for further contracts for 10,5 meters long vessels as well as to negotiations for another 2 vessels of 12 meters length. New vessels are are prototypes, meaning technically improved versions of 10,5m long vessel including significant improvements in all segments.”
From Tehnomont in this year the plan is delivery of 1 more catamaran, 1 service vessel and 1 fishing vessel, while from the small shipbuilding company with great potential - Intelligent Marine Solution a delivery of 2 catamarans with improved technical characteristics has been planned. Each vessel is a specific demanding product and therefore also different in its characteristics. We are happy that we can say that final clients are very satisfied with the quality of the product, the professionalism of the croatian shipbuilders and the most important part with the fulfilled delivery dates.
The Intelligent Marine Solution company is relatively a new company in shipbuilding sector founded by a team of experts with long-time experience in shipbuilding.
Statement Intelligent Marine Solution, Enzo Sovitti:
“Our knowledge, experience and professionalism we have implemented into the new product which has, by its quality and the whole technical-technology solutions and design as well with the fact that is the vessel of the largest characteristics in its class regarding length and width, managed to achieve the significant advantage compered to our competitors. In total so far, we have delivered 3 vessels to the Croatian market, while all the future deliveries/contracts are for the international aquaculture sector. Through the whole production process, we are interactively cooperating with our clients all with an aim of constant improvements to the end product. In the production process all strict EU and world shipbuilding requirements have been implemented. At the moment we have 2 vessels contracted with the intention to increase in the following year to at least 4 only for one of the international clients.”
CroNoMar, a small company from Šibenik in Norwegian ownership after foundation already 9 years ago has set up as a strategic goal of connecting the Croatian and Norwegian companies and partners within maritime sector. Following its base postulate CroNoMar has used from the start all possibilities, like work meetings, conferences and seminars both in Croatia and abroad, in order to present domestic potentials and Croatian quality on foreign markets, primarily Norwegian.
Having faith in success from very beginning, CroNoMar has worked intensively on connecting Croatian and Norwegian but also other foreign clients, primarily focusing on promotion of Croatian high-quality products and innovativity and competitiveness of companies in this sector in Croatia. CroNoMar has through its existing but also through planned activities achieved one more goal and that is that in future projects along with already proven Croatian shipbuilding product and other maritime products, also include technologically advanced services of Croatian companies as for example engineering in shipbuilding.
Neither Croatian nor Norwegian partners hide their satisfaction with the development of this cooperation. First business contacts have opened a path towards success, but it was hard to predict that in a very short time such a large number of contracts and buildings for international clients will be realized, especially having in mind that every single vessel has been contracted separately and as such is also a specific one, meaning that the Croatian exporters within the small shipbuilding sector will achieve not only wished results but also much more.
Independent of the type of the vessel and its purpose, every new vessel/product is unique and is produced according to the demands of the end customer which results also in demanding subcontracting of businesses related to the production of the vessel.
CroNoMar has, so far, mediated in contracting of more than 100 shipbuilding contracts which are connected to the production of workboats from Croatia based on which resulted with the impressive number of more than 80 exported catamarans from NCP and 10 more vessels from other Croatian partners for Norwegian and other international aquaculture markets within 9 years.
Apart from Norwegian market, vessels produced in Šibenik and other Croatian shipyards built through mediation of CroNoMar are working on fish farms in Saudia Arabia, Shetland Islands, Iceland and other countries of the world. The products of Croatian small-shipbuilding which we are exporting with success since 2010, are catamarans 13,50-15,0 meters in length, monohulls 10,50-12 meters in length and service and fishing vessels in 21-24,99 meters in length.
It is the excellent results of business cooperation of this type during years that have led to the production of new models of vessels which have been the base for the multi-year cooperation with Norwegian partners which has been successfully continued with contracting new projects for this demanding market.
Thanks to the achieved product quality and competitiveness compared to the other producers, further planning and negotiating of new models and types of vessels has been enabled as well as possibility of subcontracting first hybrid and electric-drive vessels.
At the moment Croatian partners have signed contracts for a delivery of nearly 20 vessels by the end of the 2018 and the beginning of 2019.
It is a fact and a great recognition for all participants of the project that vessels built in Croatian shipyards have achieved international recognition and competitiveness on a demanding global market. This project is a great example of successful collaboration between Croatian and Norwegian partners by which the quality and competitiveness of Croatian small-shipbuilding is presented in Norway as one country with the most developed shipbuilding industry in the world.
The work of Cronomar has been directed towards identification of business opportunities of Croatian companies within maritime sector and their realization through active support creating “value chain” the model of value chain from idea to commercialization, enabling companies direct access to the international markets.
Starting from the fact that it is necessary to attract the investment projects of higher added value connected with modern technologies and innovations as well as with internationalization of business, for further development of economy, Cronomar is continuously conducting together with its Croatian and Norwegian partners intensive negotiation processes with aim of realization of this type of projects in Croatia.
All above mentioned has led towards the significant workboat production growth in Croatian shipyards for Norwegian aquaculture sector. The conditions for each vessel have been negotiated separately in order that the end product would be totally adjusted to the customer wishes.
Today, we are experiencing something that all involved in the project have hoped for and that is a step out toward the new important markets and opening more and more possibilities enabling growth of domestic production and development of Croatian small shipbuilding in the future.
Hrvatska mala brodogradnja (povećala proizvodne kapacitete i) kreće u osvajanje kanadskog tržišta
U prvim danima lipnja iz hrvatskih brodogradilišta isporučena su još 2 radna katamarana za norveško tržište marikulture za klijenta tvrtku Moen Marin AS posredstvom tvrtke CroNoMar d.o.o. iz Šibenika. Sredinom lipnja bit će isporučen i prvi brod za kanadsko tržište marikulture, što predstavlja značajan iskorak naših proizvođača na novo tržište s velikim potencijalom. Kanadski sektor marikulture isporučuje godišnje 200.565 tona ribe vrijednosti 1,37 milijarde USD. Najznačajnija vrsta koja se uzgaja je atlantski losos.
Projekt u okviru kojeg se kontinuirano potiče proizvodnja radnih brodova za izvoz započela je 2010. godine, a nastavlja se uz velika očekivanja i u 2018. godini. Trenutno 4 hrvatska partnera proizvode radne brodove za međunarodni sektor marikulture: NCP iz Šibenika, TEHNOMONT iz Pule, OŠTRO iz Kaštela, te INTELLIGENT MARINE SOLLUTIONS iz Murtera. Poseban značaj ovog projekta je u činjenici da se plasmanom brodova proizvedenih u Hrvatskoj omogućava kontinuirano promoviranje hrvatskog sektora male brodogradnje na tržištima diljem svijeta. Sve je počelo još 2009. godine pregovorima između potencijalnih klijenata iz Norveške i nekolicine hrvatskih brodogradilišta, koji su se održali slijedom uspostave hrvatsko-norveške suradnje u sektoru mora i pomorstva temeljene na osnivanju iNavis Centra u Šibeniku i početku rada šibensko-norveške tvrtke CroNoMar. Optimistična ideja o izgradnji 15 katamarana za inozemno tržište u razdoblju od pet godina, činila se tada kao realan cilj koji pruža nadu u opstanak male brodogradnje u Hrvatskoj. Od početne ideje do danas, razvoj poslovne suradnje temeljene na proizvodnji aluminijskih katamarana koji se kao radni brodovi koriste u norveškom sektoru marikulture, odvijao se znatno brže od svih očekivanja, pa su se isporuke brodova koje su izgradile hrvatske tvrtke u međuvremenu utrostručile u odnosu na plan.
Do sada je ostvaren impresivni rezultat koji se ogleda u čak 90 izgrađenih radnih brodova za međunarodno tržište marikulture. Također, posebno treba istaknuti da se mali brodograditelji kao što je tvrtka Oštro iz Kaštela koji su se uključili u ovaj projekt tek prije 2. godine, uspješno i brzo pronalaze svoje mjesto u ovom poslovnom modelu te su iz Kaštela isporučili već šesti po redu jednotrupac također za norveškog klijenta. Njihovi brodovi se koriste u svakodnevnom poslovanju na ribogojilištima prvenstveno u Norveškoj.
Brodovi se proizvode u skladu sa zahtjevnim međunarodnim brodograđevnim standardima kvalitete. Upravo su kvaliteta i konkurentnost proizvoda, kao i profesionalnost hrvatskih brodograditelja, osnovni temelj za osiguranje daljnje suradnje s inozemnim naručiteljima. Rezultati su itekako vidljivi, jer su potpisani novi ugovori za kraj 2018. i početak 2019. godine.
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