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Monday 16 February 2015 | 17:18:16 | Published in News

Start up tvrtka Navarch koja posluje u Inovacijskom inkubatoru iNavis centrau Šibeniku, s primarnom aktivnošću inženjeringa u brodogradnji uz inovativan pristup dizajniranju motornih jahti i radnih brodova, potpisala je ugovor o dizajnu i redizajnu radnih brodova za norveškog klijenta. 

Cijela inicijativa započela je posredstvom tvrtke CroNoMar, čiji je cilj povezivanje i realizacija poslovnih partnerstava između norveških i hrvatskih tvrtki. Tvrtka CroNoMar je upravitelj Inovacijskog inkubatora iNavis centra. Kroz svoje poslovanje CroNoMar teži omogućiti hrvatskim tvrtkama pristup novim tržištima i tehnologijama, internacionalizaciju poslovanja, razvijanje dugoročnih poslovnih odnosa baziranih na povjerenju, kvaliteti i pouzdanosti, te umrežavanje u cilju realizacije novih projekata hrvatskih tvrtki usmjerenih ka izvozu. Namjera CroNoMar-a je povezati tvrtke koje djeluju unutar inovacijskog inkubatora iNavis centra, te zajedničkim pristupom prema stranim tržištima povećati njihovu konkurentnost. 

Navarch je osnovan 2012. god. kao mala, obiteljska tvrtka specijalizirana za  inženjerstvo u brodogradnji i povezane discipline. S mnogo godina iskustva u području strukturnog dizajna i inženjeringa stečenog u sektoru, te uz visoku tehničku stručnost i iskustvo u kombinaciji sa vrlo sistematičnim i analitičkim pristupom, Navarch ispunjava sve zahtjeve i  želje klijenata.

Novopotpisani ugovor samo je još jedan dokaz kako hrvatske tvrtke ne zaostaju za svjetskim trendovima kad su u pitanju inovativnost i primjena novih tehnologija. Želimo im mnogo uspjeha!


Start up company Navarch that operates within the Innovation Incubator of iNavis center in Šibenik, with primary activity engineering in shipbuilding along with innovative approach towards design of motor yachts and work boats, has signed a contract for the design and redesign of working boats for Norwegian customer.

The whole initiative started through mediation of company CroNoMar, whose aim is connection and realization of business partnerships between Norwegian and Croatian companies. CroNoMar is the manager of Innovation Incubator of iNavis centre. Through its business CroNoMar seeks to ensure to Croatian companies access to new markets and technologies, internationalization of businesses, development of long term business relationships based on trust, quality and reliability and networking with purpose of realization of new projects from Croatian companies aimed towards export. CroNoMar intention is to connect companies operating within the innovation incubator of iNavis centre and by applying common approach towards foreign markets to increase their competitiveness.

Navarch was founded in 2012 as a small, family-owned company specialized for engineering in shipbuilding and associated disciplines. With many years of experience in the field of structural design and engineering acquired in that sector, along with high technical expertise and experience combined with a systematic and analytical approach, Navarch meets all clients requirements and wishes.

Newly signed contract is just another proof that Croatian companies do not lag behind the global trends when it comes to innovation and application of new technologies.

We wish them a lot of success!

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  • Gordan Polonijo, Technical supervisor
    Gordan Polonijo, Technical supervisor

    M: +385 91 214 00 28


    Technical supervisor in CroNoMar, Croatian. MSc in Mechanical engineering - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture Zagreb, 17 years of experience in shipbuilding on various new building such as Cutter suction dredger, Jack Up platform, Chemical tankers, Livestock carrier, Car Carrier, Fisherman vessel, Bulk carrier, LPG tanks, Cable layer, Suction Hopper dredger, etc. In Uljanik Shipyard I was Head of QA/QC dept. I’m also playing a role as a member of Board of the director in Croatian society of Nondestructive testing HDKBR.

  • Malvin Villabø, CEO
    Malvin Villabø, CEO

    P: +47 92066640


    CEO of CroNoMar, Norwegian. 19 years of experience in management of innovation company in Norway. 20 years of experience as researcher and manager in MARINTEK - The Norwegian Marine Research Institute. 2 years in Shipping. MSc in Automation Engineering.

  • Ana Zajc - Senior Project Consultant
    Ana Zajc - Senior Project Consultant

    M: +385 91 124 00 22


    Senior Project Consultant in CroNoMar, Croatian. Educated in Economics and Criminology science. Certified for implementation of EU projects. 15 years of experience on development projects as senior consultant, 4 years of experience as technical director (export, transport, construction company), 6 years of experience as office manager (marketing, tourism, architecture).

  • Željko Ninić, Senior Project Consultant
    Željko Ninić, Senior Project Consultant

    M: +385 91 214 00 25


    Senior Project Consultant in CroNoMar, Croatian. MSc in Mec - Faculty of Naval Architecture and Mechanical Engineering Zagreb, started engineering career from a workshop floor (CAD/CAM machining) in duration of 2 years, next 5 years as a product designer in R&D department (healthcare industry), 11 years of experience in project management (water supply and waste water engineering, marina installations and HVAC).

  • Zdenko Jerković, Technical supervisor
    Zdenko Jerković, Technical supervisor

    M: +385 91 214 0024


    Technical supervisor in CroNoMar, Croatian. MSc in Naval Architecture - Faculty of Naval Architecture and Mechanical Engineering Zagreb, 22 years of experience in ship building,ship repair and off-shore from construction engineer position through the positions of project engineer, project manager, Seling dpt. manager, site manager, surveyor and consultant. Employments in companies Brodosplit, Vulkan, Brodoremont Vranjic, Viktor Lenac, RLE,ZIT, Adria-mar, TE Marin and on a contract base for foreign companies TTS, Songa offshore, Willtech…

  • Marko Kelava, Technical supervisor
    Marko Kelava, Technical supervisor

    M: +385 91 214 00 26


    Technical supervisor in CroNoMar in CroNoMar, Croatian. Bsc in Naval Architecture – Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture Split, 11 years experience in ship building and ship repair trough the positions of Surveyor, Head of Assembly workshop, Project manager and Head of New building department. previous employee of Brodotrogir d.d., R.L.E. t.p., Solinbrodogradnja d.o.o. - Shipyard Vranjic.

  • Dalibor Varnica, Technical supervisor
    Dalibor Varnica, Technical supervisor

    M: +385 91 214 00 27


    Technical supervisor in CroNoMar, Croatian. BSc in Mechanical engineering – University of Split- Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture. More than 20 years of experience in shipbuilding on various new building such as Frigo ship, Bulk carriers, Juice carrier, Heavy lifters, Ro Pax ferry, Yacht, Polar cruisers, Military patrol vessels and off shore projects through the positions of foreman, Workshop engineer, Workshop manager, Assembly manager, Ship manager and PM assistant, Head of preassembly and outfitting workshop and Project manager. All within the Brodosplit shipyard.

  • Zdenka Stošić, Administrative referent
    Zdenka Stošić, Administrative referent

    M: +385 91 124 00 21


    Administrative referent in CroNoMar, Faculty of Economy, 4 years of experience as sales manager in Plodine - managing and monitoring  sales, employment management, 4 years of experience as sales manager in Jolly - managing sales and assortment, 2 years of experience as accounting administrator – calculations, P&L account, 5 years of experience as external co operant in Prva stambena štedionica, Zagrebačka banka d.d. – Loans, savings, insurances, collaterals.