Servisni brod s primjenom u sektoru marikulture čija je gradnja ugovorena u 2014.g. uz termin isporuke u ljeto 2015.g., možda će biti prvi u nizu brodova koje će norveški klijent naručiti iz ovog brodogradilišta. Klijent je do sada više nego zadovoljan kako s napretkom proizvodnje, tako i s kvalitetom hrvatskih brodograditelja. Upravo na tragu ovog uspješnog projekta, započelo se s pregovorima o nastavku suradnje, te o novim narudžbama.
Brod duljine 23,98 m i širine 11,20 m projektiran je od strane norveške tvrtke MOEN MARIN AS, a gradi se u pulskom brodogradilištu i služit će kao servisni brod za ribogojilište u Norveškoj. Cijeli projekt započeo je posredstvom tvrtke CroNoMar čiji je glavni cilj povezivanja hrvatskih i norveških tvrtki, identificiranje potreba tržišta te pristup novim tržištima. Ovakvi primjeri uspješne suradnje govore da na međunarodnom tržištu ima mjesta za sve koji mogu ponuditi konkurentan proizvod ili uslugu visoke dodane vrijednostiuz garanciju kvalitete. Takvi proizvodi preduvjet su rasta gospodarstva, osiguravaju rast proizvodnje, nove investicije te nova i dobro plaćena radna mjesta.
Nadamo se da je ovaj projekt dobar početak uspješne višegodišnje suradnje!
Kao što mi u CroNoMar-u kažemo: "Postoji more mogućnosti, samo treba imati hrabrosti zaploviti!"
A Service boat for use in aquaculture sector whose construction has been contracted in 2014 with a delivery date in the summer of 2015, may be the first in a series of ships that Norwegian client will order from this shipyard. So far, the client more than satisfied with the progress of production, as well as the quality of Croatian shipbuilders. Following the pat of this successful project, negotiations on the continuation of cooperation and the new orders have started.
The boat length of 23.98 m and width of 11.20 m, has been designed by the Norwegian company MOEN MARIN AS, is being built in Pula shipyard and will serve as a service boat for fish farm in Norway. The whole project started through mediation of company CroNoMar whose main goal is to connect Croatian and Norwegian companies,identifying market needs and access to new markets. These examples of successful cooperation show that there is space at international markets for all who can offer a competitive product or service with high added value and quality guarantee. Such products are a precondition for economic growth, production growth, new investments and new and well-paid working places.
We hope that this project is a good start for a successful long-term cooperation!
As we in CroNoMar say, there is a sea of opportunities, you only need to have the courage to sail for it!
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