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Thursday 20 September 2018 | 08:47:48 | Published in News

Sve je počelo još davne 2009. godine pregovorima između potencijalnih norveških klijenata i nekoliko hrvatskih brodogradilišta, koji su se održali slijedom uspostave hrvatsko-norveške suradnje u sektoru mora i pomorstva temeljene na osnivanju iNavis Centra u Šibeniku i početku rada tvrtke CroNoMar. Izgradnja 15 katamarana za inozemno tržište u razdoblju od pet godina, činila se tada kao realan cilj.

Danas, nakon što je gotovo desetogodišnje razdoblje iza nas, 1. rujna e isporučeno je još 5 brodova za međunarodna tržišta marikulture čineći impresivnu brojku od 100 ukupno isporučenih brodova; 86 brodova isporučilo je šibensko brodogradilište NCP, 8 brodova isporučila je tvrtka Oštro iz Kaštela, 6 brodova isporučilo je pulsko brodogradilište Tehnomont.

Od početne ideje, ova poslovna suradnja vezana za proizvodnju aluminijskih brodova koji se kao radni brodovi koriste u norveškom sektoru marikulture, razvijala se znatno brže od svih očekivanja i isporuke brodova koje su izgradili hrvatski stručnjaci su u međuvremenu značajno porasle u odnosu na plan prikazujući kroz gotov proizvod na najbolji način profesionalnost hrvatskih brodograditelja i kvalitetu hrvatskog proizvoda.  

Vjerujući od samog početka u uspjeh, CroNoMar je proteklih godina intenzivno radio na spajanju hrvatskih i norveških, ali i drugih stranih klijenata, prvenstveno promovirajući hrvatske proizvode vrhunske kvalitete te inovativnost i konkurentnost tvrtki u ovom sektoru u Hrvatskoj.

Neovisno o vrsti broda i njegovoj namjeni, svaki novi brod-proizvod je specifičan i radi se prema zahtjevima krajnjeg klijenta, rezultat čega je i zahtjevno podugovaranje. CroNoMar je do sada posredovao u sklapanju 120 brodograđevnih ugovora koji se odnose na radne brodove, temeljem čega je i postignuta impresivna brojka od ukupno više od 100 izvezenih brodova iz Hrvatske za norveško i druga svjetska tržišta marikulture u posljednjih deset godina.

Brodovi izgrađeni u Hrvatskoj koriste se u svakodnevnom poslovanju na ribogojilištima diljem svijeta; od Norveške, Kanade, Saudijske arabije, Šetlandskih otočja, Islanda i drugih zemalja svijeta.

Zahvaljujući postignutoj kvaliteti proizvoda i konkurentnosti u odnosu na druge proizvođače, omogućeno je daljnje planiranje i ugovaranje novih modela i vrsta brodova.


In first days of September, 100th vessel for international mariculture markets was produced in Croatia!

It all began in 2009 with negotiations between potential Norwegian clients and several Croatian shipyards, which took place following the establishment of Croatian-Norwegian cooperation within the maritime sector based on the founding of the Maritime Innovation Center - iNavis in Sibenik and the beginning of the work of company CroNoMar. The optimistic idea to build 15 catamarans at NCP for foreign markets in the five-year period appeared then a realistic goal.

Today, after almost ten years period is behind us, on September 1st five more vessels have been delivered to international aquaculture markets creating an impressive number of 100 delivered vessels out of which; 86 vessels were delivered from NCP shipyard in Šibenik, 8 from Oštro from Kastela, 6 from Tehnomont.

From the initial idea, this business cooperation related to the production of aluminum vessels used as working boats in the Norwegian aquaculture sector has developed considerably faster than all expectations and deliveries of vessels built by Croatian experts have significantly increased in relation to the plan presenting through the final product the professionalism of Croatian shipbuilders and the quality of Croatian products.

Believing from the very beginning in success, CroNoMar has worked intensively over the past years to join Croatian, Norwegian and other foreign customers, primarily by promoting Croatian top quality products and the innovation and competitiveness of companies in this sector in Croatia.

Regardless of the type of vessel and its purpose, each new boat-product is specific and is tailored made according to the requirements of the end customer, a result of which is intensive negotiation. Until now, CroNoMar has mediated in the conclusion of 120 shipbuilding work boat contracts  based on which the impressive number of more than 100 exported vessels from Croatia for the Norwegian and other world aquaculture markets has been achieved in the last ten years.

Vessels built in Croatia are used in daily operations at fish farms around the world; from Norway, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Shetland Islands, Iceland and other countries of the world.

Thanks to the achieved product quality and competitiveness compared to other manufacturers, further planning and contracting of new models and types of ships was possible.

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  • Gordan Polonijo, Technical supervisor
    Gordan Polonijo, Technical supervisor

    M: +385 91 214 00 28


    Technical supervisor in CroNoMar, Croatian. MSc in Mechanical engineering - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture Zagreb, 17 years of experience in shipbuilding on various new building such as Cutter suction dredger, Jack Up platform, Chemical tankers, Livestock carrier, Car Carrier, Fisherman vessel, Bulk carrier, LPG tanks, Cable layer, Suction Hopper dredger, etc. In Uljanik Shipyard I was Head of QA/QC dept. I’m also playing a role as a member of Board of the director in Croatian society of Nondestructive testing HDKBR.

  • Malvin Villabø, CEO
    Malvin Villabø, CEO

    P: +47 92066640


    CEO of CroNoMar, Norwegian. 19 years of experience in management of innovation company in Norway. 20 years of experience as researcher and manager in MARINTEK - The Norwegian Marine Research Institute. 2 years in Shipping. MSc in Automation Engineering.

  • Ana Zajc - Senior Project Consultant
    Ana Zajc - Senior Project Consultant

    M: +385 91 124 00 22


    Senior Project Consultant in CroNoMar, Croatian. Educated in Economics and Criminology science. Certified for implementation of EU projects. 15 years of experience on development projects as senior consultant, 4 years of experience as technical director (export, transport, construction company), 6 years of experience as office manager (marketing, tourism, architecture).

  • Željko Ninić, Senior Project Consultant
    Željko Ninić, Senior Project Consultant

    M: +385 91 214 00 25


    Senior Project Consultant in CroNoMar, Croatian. MSc in Mec - Faculty of Naval Architecture and Mechanical Engineering Zagreb, started engineering career from a workshop floor (CAD/CAM machining) in duration of 2 years, next 5 years as a product designer in R&D department (healthcare industry), 11 years of experience in project management (water supply and waste water engineering, marina installations and HVAC).

  • Zdenko Jerković, Technical supervisor
    Zdenko Jerković, Technical supervisor

    M: +385 91 214 0024


    Technical supervisor in CroNoMar, Croatian. MSc in Naval Architecture - Faculty of Naval Architecture and Mechanical Engineering Zagreb, 22 years of experience in ship building,ship repair and off-shore from construction engineer position through the positions of project engineer, project manager, Seling dpt. manager, site manager, surveyor and consultant. Employments in companies Brodosplit, Vulkan, Brodoremont Vranjic, Viktor Lenac, RLE,ZIT, Adria-mar, TE Marin and on a contract base for foreign companies TTS, Songa offshore, Willtech…

  • Marko Kelava, Technical supervisor
    Marko Kelava, Technical supervisor

    M: +385 91 214 00 26


    Technical supervisor in CroNoMar in CroNoMar, Croatian. Bsc in Naval Architecture – Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture Split, 11 years experience in ship building and ship repair trough the positions of Surveyor, Head of Assembly workshop, Project manager and Head of New building department. previous employee of Brodotrogir d.d., R.L.E. t.p., Solinbrodogradnja d.o.o. - Shipyard Vranjic.

  • Dalibor Varnica, Technical supervisor
    Dalibor Varnica, Technical supervisor

    M: +385 91 214 00 27


    Technical supervisor in CroNoMar, Croatian. BSc in Mechanical engineering – University of Split- Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture. More than 20 years of experience in shipbuilding on various new building such as Frigo ship, Bulk carriers, Juice carrier, Heavy lifters, Ro Pax ferry, Yacht, Polar cruisers, Military patrol vessels and off shore projects through the positions of foreman, Workshop engineer, Workshop manager, Assembly manager, Ship manager and PM assistant, Head of preassembly and outfitting workshop and Project manager. All within the Brodosplit shipyard.

  • Zdenka Stošić, Administrative referent
    Zdenka Stošić, Administrative referent

    M: +385 91 124 00 21


    Administrative referent in CroNoMar, Faculty of Economy, 4 years of experience as sales manager in Plodine - managing and monitoring  sales, employment management, 4 years of experience as sales manager in Jolly - managing sales and assortment, 2 years of experience as accounting administrator – calculations, P&L account, 5 years of experience as external co operant in Prva stambena štedionica, Zagrebačka banka d.d. – Loans, savings, insurances, collaterals.