
CronoMar contribution to internationalization of businesses and increase of export activities of Croatian companies
Cronomar activities are focused on new products, services and technology transfer creating exports of new maritime products from Croatia towards international markets. Products like maritime equipment, vessels, etc. are contracted for manufacturing by Croatian industry as new concepts and new designs for Croatian industry opening way towards new markets. Initially, the production is prototype products, and over time we try to standardize these products in order to rationalize manufacturing and to keep Croatian producers competitive at global markets. Some of Cronomars projects like 15 m vessel are full prototype - a complete new design from a different design company in Norway.
All the time CroNoMar is looking for new developments where prototypes of new products have been manufactured and new contracts placed in order to industrialize/standardize these products and all with aim rising and keeping the competitiveness of Croatian manufacturing industry on a global market in years to come.
Referring Memo from 27th December 2016, here are some examples of creating new products and product development activities in Croatia.

WB Holmsund and WB Kristine as PM13,75. - Standardized products
So far, 59 vessels have been delivered from Croatia to international aquaculture market of the PM1375 catamaran design from Promarin. Each vessel is tailored to individual customers’ requirements. The basic vessel concept have very much the same dimensions and outfitting when regards propulsion systems with...
Read more...New propulsion solution
Recently in 2016 a major upgrading of the PM 1375 catamaran vessels has been implemented. A new propulsion system with Controllable Pitch Propellers (CPP) with new engine type and keel-cooling is the main upgrading with significantly improved operability and maneuverability, and doubled electrical...
Read more...WB Ulvsund and WB Datlind as MD 1375
WB 155-156 is a complete new 13,75 design from Marin Design with same main dimensions as the PM1375. The design is developed by a new design partner with significantly changed hull shape and machinery solution in order to increase payload capacities and operability significantly. The detailed...
Read more...WB 139- Elin and picture of WB 154- Sigma Sea as MD1510. Both of these vessels are prototype vessels; new design
Operational experience with WB 139(delivered in 2015) of PM1510 design indicated demands for a complete new design with significantly increased payload capacities for smaller vessels used for handling complete installation jobs of modern heavy aquaculture plants. Also permanent living accommodations for...
Marøy Viking (BN99) – Monohull Crane service vessel. First vessel of this hull-type
First vessel of MD 24MHSV with dimensions 24m x 11,2 m was delivered from Tehnomont in Pula summer 2015. This was a prototype vessel for considerably more heavy installation jobs at advanced fish farms with considerable crane capacities for handling the biggest cage installations. Cranes with...
Read more...Troll (BN100) – Monohull Anchor handling Vessel. First vessel with this extensive anchor handling outfitting
Second vessel of MD 24MHSV design delivered from Tehnomont June 2016 with same hull and accommodations as crane vessel BN99. Authority regulations for anchor handling in Aquaculture industry have been significantly adjusted and have taken very much of human safety regulations from...
Read more...Namdal (BN101) – Monohull ROV and Diving support– First vessel for this type of operations
Third vessel of MD24MHSV design delivered from Tehnomont end August 2016. This vessel is first commercial batch vessel with limited customer adaptation. The vessel is basically equipped and authorized for anchor handling operations, but also adapted for diving support operations including...